Thursday 14 August 2014


And how are you doing? I've not been around much lately, been very busy trying to meet University deadlines, watching the word count for endless hours trying to get my head around what to write, but I've meet my deadlines and  handed in the last assignment, for now very late last night....sigh.....
Had lots of other stuff going on busy, busy, busy that's meant to be good isn't it! but boy its been stressful.
But I'm back tonight to share some exciting news, alittle shop in my area is going to be selling some of my work, my collages for now so that's kinda exciting and I'm busy getting that sorted but this is my kinda nice busy.

Also as its school holidays have been having fun with my gorgeous boys, so its all good hope everyone is keeping well staying happy, healthy and treasuring what you have.

R.I.P Robin, I loved/love you soo, may you always be happy, loved and laughing out loud wherever you be.....xxxx


  1. What a good soul he was....I can tell that our world is different without him. A huge congrats to you on being featured at the shop friend!! Way to go!!!!! Happy days to you! Nicole xo

  2. Congratulations about your collages! That's fantastic news Emma :)
